Dear All,
As our Spring term closes we look back on a crazy busy Examination spring term.
The students have blown my socks off with their incredible strength and hard work in all faculties.
We have had outstanding Examination session in Ballet and Modern Theatre, although the Ballet exam results are not as good as expected, we must not forget the most amazing achievement of passing Examinations and celebrate this success.
I could not be prouder of all students involved, and would like to personally thank parents for the continued support of our School. I will continue to keep Dance accessible to everyone and we look forward to a very exciting Summer Term.
We have been asked to perform at lots of summer events out and about in our community, details to follow. Also very exciting news as we hope to take a group of the older students to Disney Land Paris to perform in August.
I will be sending a blog out end of this week to book your place on this years Summer Schools, Matilda and Frozen.
Summer school is open for students age 7yrs and above weeks the two weeks are jam packed with tuns of dancing, singing, set building, costume making and a spectacular show to finish a busy week, 9.30-4pm everyday.
I have opened the registers now for enrolment for Summer Term our discount code for multi classes is Summer23 please apply this as I can not do it after you have paid.
School opens MONDAY 17th April
Half term 29th - 2nd May/June
School closes for summer 15th July
Frodsham Monday Classes this term there are 2 bank holidays in May so I am hoping to work the Monday in half term 29th May 23 and 1 extra Monday at the end of term 17th July 23 to cover these classes.
We wish you all a very happy hoppy Easter Break and look forward to seeing you all back
Much Love
Jennie x
