Midnight Museum
The Grange Theatre, Hartford
20th/21st April 2023
Theatre Address
The Grange Theatre, Bradburns Lane,
Hartford, CW8 1LU
Important dates for the show are as follows;
Sunday 14th April - All Day Rehearsal 11am - 5pm (Grade 2 upwards + Musical Theatre School)
Friday 19th April - Dress Rehearsal 6.30pm - 9.30pm (Grade 2 upwards + Musical Theatre School)
Show 1
Saturday 20th April - Matinee Performance 2.30pm Frodsham Junior School and All Cast
Show 2
Saturday 20th April - Evening Performance 7.30pm (Grade 2 upwards + Musical Theatre School)
Show 3
Sunday 21st April - 2.30pm Matinee Performance 1.30pm Tarvin Junior School and All Cast
Show 4
Sunday 21st April - 5pm Possible second show depending on Ticket sales.
Below is the show piece your child is performing, costume price and which shows they are invited to attend;
Frodsham Junior School - Monday
Pre-school - Flamingos £27 (Show 1)
Modern/Acro Juniors - Kung Fu Pandas £24 (Show 1)
Primary - Dinosaurs £28 (Show 1)
Grade 1 - Fish £24 (Show 1)
Grade 2 Modern- Charlie Chaplin £20 (All shows and rehearsals)
Acro Juniors - Aliens £15 - Blue uniform catsuit needed (All shows and rehearsals)
Tarvin Junior School - Tuesday
Pre-school - Flamingos £27 (Show 3)
Modern Grade 2 - Kung Fu Pandas £24 (Show 3)
Primary - Dinosaurs £28 (Show 3)
Grade 1 - Fish £24 (Show 3)
Grade 3 Modern- Spice Girls £20 (All shows and rehearsals)
Grade 2 Ballet - Monkeys £27 (All shows and rehearsals)
Adult Tappers
Anything Goes / Bollywood (Costume TBC)
(All shows and rehearsals)
Ashton - Wednesdays
Junior Musical Theatre - Big Blue World (Show T-shirt + Black Leggings) (All shows and rehearsals)
Grade Grade 5 Ballet - Scientists £30 (All shows and rehearsals)
Grade 6 Modern - Art/Flintstones Costume TBC (All Shows and rehearsals)
Grade 6 Ballet - Dancers Costume TBC (All Shows and rehearsals)
Ashton - Thursdays
Grade 4 Ballet - Agatha Christie Costume TBC(All Shows and rehearsals)
Musical Theatre Seniors - £20 (All Shows and rehearsals)
Acro Seniors - Space £27 (All Shows and rehearsals)
Pointe - Florence Nightingale Costume TBC(All Shows and rehearsals)
Adult Ballet - Alan Turing Costume TBC (All Shows and rehearsals)
Adult Modern - Industrial Revolution Costume TBC (All Shows and rehearsals)
Ashton School - Saturday
Acro Inters 1 - Mummies £20 (All Shows and rehearsals)
Grade 4 Modern - Romans £27(All Shows and rehearsals)
Grade 3 Ballet - Suffragettes £25 (All Shows and rehearsals)
Acro Inters - Egyptians £20 (All Shows and rehearsals)
Grade 5 Modern - Brothers Costume TBC (All Shows and rehearsals)
Musical Theatre Inters - Cast / Rosa Parks Costume TBC (All Shows and rehearsals)
I will be purchasing all costumes in the FEBRUARY HALF TERM so please BACS costume money online to this account;
Janis Anderson School
Account Number 33862192
Sort Code 604008
It is important to use your child’s name as reference and if I could please ask that payments for costumes are made by 25th February 2024.
All tickets will be through Ticket Source from The Grange Theatre, dates when tickets will be available to follow.
Show T-shirts will be available for purchase very soon too, t-shirt to be worn for all rehearsals, they will come in 3 colours to which school you are affiliated with ie Frodsham, Tarvin and Ashton.
Please click on the link to fill in this form and hand back to me in class before February Half term.
Consent Form Midnight Museum Show 2024
Lots more information to follow over the next few weeks....
We are so excited for our show 2024,
Jennie x