September 2021
We are super excited to welcome every student back this September with open arms and hope that we can get back to normality a little!
The summer holidays has given me the chance to reflect on what can only be described as, quite possible the strangest, and most challenging year of being a Business owner/ Dance teacher and all the other titles we all have.
I have had the opportunity to look back on the 2 years, YES, 2 YEARS, and can not believe just how much we have all achieved together.
It's impossible to say how many hours we have spent together on Zoom, we have been busy raising money for charity, making movies, achieving ISTD examinations the list goes on and on. I can begin to say how proud I am of each and everyone for adapting so quickly and still having the love for dance and theatre even through tough times.
Dance plays an integral role in our mental well being and physical bodies. I feel very privileged to have helped so many children and adults in my little way to get through these strange times together and I will continue to support and advocate this and it's key part to promote happy bodies and a happy minds to all!
I will be using my blog to keep everyone informed on what is happening with the school and update with news of Examinations and Shows that are in the pipeline for this next year.
The booking system is back up and operational for this term, don't forget if you attend more than 1 session to use the discount code AT2021 you will receive 10% discount.
Can not wait to see everyone in September, school opens Saturday 11th September 2021!
Much love and good luck to everyone going back to school!
JADance School
