Dear All,
We are heading into our 6th week of term, where is the time going.....
Please see below dates for your diaries of events happening leading up to Christmas.
Our Annual Charity event for Children in Need
19th November 2023
Ashton Village Hall
Time - TBC
All students are welcome. All ages!!!
Come along and learn the routine Tuesday 24th October 6-7.45pm will send video out too so you can keep practicing.
To book a place it is available online see link below £15.00 including a Tapathon T-Shirt.
Frodsham Christmas Festival
Our Monday Frodsham School, Saturday Ashton School, Wednesday Junior Musical Theatre and Thursday evening Senior AcroDance class will be envolved again in the Frodsham festival on Saturday 25th November 2023.
We will be performing in the afternoon on the stage and the older children are set to lead the parade again!
Very Exciting!!!!
Please save the date and I will be sending another blog with details of costumes and times etc!!
New School Uniform
Exciting news of our new schools merchandise are nearly available, perfect time for Christmas prezzies!!!
Just doing last few bits of admin and the link will be live very soon!
New Hoodies, Tracksuits, T-shirts, water bottles, bags!!! You name it we got it, if you think of anything you think you might like to include please message me, I'd love some feed back from you all!
Show 2024 Save the Date
Just an early heads up on the School Biannual Provisional Show Dates
14th April Rehearsal at Theatre
19th - 21st Show weekend
Junior Students will be used in either the 2 matinee performances
From Grade 2 upwards will be part of every performance.
Obviously, there will be so much more information with regards to the many aspects of our exciting show, I just wanted you to have a heads up on dates for your calendars well in advance to avoid any chance of disappointment and potential clashes.
Next week is our last week of this half term,
We have 2 weeks off (Monday Frodsham School has class on 30th October 2023 owed extra from last term)
I hope you all have a restful half term and I will look forward to seeing you all back in class ready for a busy half term!
Much love
Jennie x
