Dear All,
Many thanks to everyone for enrolling for another term with Janis Anderson School of Dancing! Please if you haven't enrolled yet follow link below to make sure you have your place booked!
Please check the new timetable for you class times as some times have changed, I would hate for the students to be disappointed if you have missed their session.
All information for our school and its policies and procedures are available for you to visit via our website, with term dates and information you will need for your time at JADance School.
I am currently putting together a page with information for you with regards to Examinations and what this entails when we enter students for their Examinations.
As you know I have applied for a session in November.
The ISTD are very busy as there is a massive backlog of students and schools from all around the world waiting for Examiners but I hope for information very soon with regards to this forth coming session.
Unfortunately our August session has been delayed to September so we haven't got everyones exam details, so, I have decided to wait share all Spaces news with you when all results are here, so that it is fair on all our students!
We entered a whopping 250+ videos to the ISTD and I am hoping for everyone to be so happy and proud of their achievements, I know I will be over the moon when everything is in and we can get excited together!
Just a reminder you have to have entered all 3 challenges to receive an overall mark and certificate. Each challenge comes with a badge to prove you have passed that challenge. I was still waiting on some badges last term to arrive to which they have now so please get the children to let me know if you haven't received your first spaces challenge badge.
I hope to keep things very similar in each venue, the students enter one way and exit the other to keep everyone as safe as we can. I will still be asking the children to sanitise on the way in and out class and I'm sure are aware that if students are showing any signs of Covid19 please do not send them to JADance school classes and test them straight away. I hope that we can have a term that is not disturbed but I will be keeping everyone informed of any problems we may have via the Blog/website.
Please see I have added Acro back in frodsham on Mondays at 5.30pm YEHHHH!!! This class is for students 7yrs upwards. Can't wait!!!!
PAPERWORK 2021/2022
I will be handing out an enrolment form to each student requesting details from you and signatures for GDPR etc please send them back with the students as soon as possible as I need to update my records, Many thanks x
If anyone knows of anyone who would like to play for my Pre-school/Pre-primary classes on Mondays 4-5pm and Tuesdays 4-5pm and maybe more classes in the future I would be very grateful for there details!
I am trawling through emails/facebook messages/whatapps/texts atm so I will get back to you all this week. My apologies if you are waiting on a reply from me, I really needed the summer break to re-group and I am now READY and RARING to go.
Can't wait to see everyones smile from Saturday onwards,
Hope you are all enjoying the sunshine
Much Love
Jennie x