Dear All Saturday School Parents and Students,
Just a little reminder all Saturday school students classes are 9 - 11am this week.
We are going to rehearse for The Clatterbridge Festival details are as follows.
Sunday 14th May
Students to arrive at Kelsall Primary school at 12.45pm
JADance School Uniform must be worn - aqua leotard and black leggings and trainers
I will meet you all in the playground we can watch the crowning of the May queen and then we dancing just after.
Parents are invited to come along and enjoy the day there are little stalls choirs performing, football competitions, bouncy castles ice cream etc....
All in aid of Clatterbridge Cancer Charity.
Please if you could let me know if you can not attend or if you need any transport help etc I am happy to help out,
Many thanks everyone see you all early Saturday Morning x
Much Love
Jennie x