Dear All,
Hope everyone has had a lovely fulfilled half term,
Now we are back to it and everything is 100 mile an hour running up to our show, below are the details for final costume prices etc.....
Please if your unsure of anything send me a little message and I will get back to you asap on
Costume that were to be confirmed details below;
Coding Ballet (Adults Thursday) - £20.00
War Ballet (Wed Ballet) - £17.00
Wright Brothers - £15.00 hat and goggles - will chat to the girls in class for what I would like them to wear
Agatha Christie - £24.00
Rosa Parks - If in Agatha Christie dance same costume, if not I will chat in class.
Florence Nightingale - £25.00
Famous Ballet - £24.00
Coal/Flintstones/Art - Chat in class for costume
Anything Goes - Tuesday class we will decide
Bollywood - buying own see link WhatsApp x
Hope this is ok everyone, if I could have the payments asap then we can get everything ordered by the end of this week, all costumes will be here in plenty of time to try on etc...
If everyone could make sure I have forms back with costume sizes on this week please.
Ooooh its getting very exciting,
Tickets out very soon.....
Happy Monday everyone
Jennie x