Dear All,
I hope everyone has had a lovely Easter Holidays and Stayed Safe!
At the end of last term we took our teaching online with lots of Blogs and some Zoom live sessions also, I hope everyone has enjoyed the dancing so far!
So we can all still enjoy the love of dance together, I will continue teaching mixed classes live from my living room. These sessions will not include set syllabus work, but I will choreograph classes to suit the ages involved with the emphasis on development and technique. It is essential that the students to maintain a dancers secret weapon, body strength and flexibility.
Students can attend any class that is either age or grade appropriate . I would like to encourage all students to try the different faculties that the school has to offer. Fitness and Musical Theatre sessions Junior is Junior School age and Senior being High School age.
The zoom links for the day will be added on this blog in the morning of the sessions, and I will also pop the recording on the Blog after the session for anyone who has missed the live sessions.
I am this half term doing a project to make a movie for our NHS and Key Workers, and all students can be involved with this, more details to follow.
The times we are facing I know are hard for everyone, so we as a school have decided that these new sessions will be free of charge.
Some parents and students have said that they would like to support our school during this difficult time. Both Miss Anderson and I have been deeply touched by various shows of support but feel we as a school would like to take this opportunity to help children and young people who find themselves in difficult circumstances.
Therefore, if you can we would like you to support our school charity NSPCC Childline for their crucial work for our children.
The NSPCC charity is so very close to our school's hearts as Miss Anderson and I have been supporting NSPCC this year, for 50 YEARS!!!!! Donating the proceeds from our charity shows to this worthy cause and I would be so happy if you could spare some of your terms fees you have already allocated for my teaching to this amazing charity this term.
Here is the link if you wish to donate;
Below is the time table for this half term (6 weeks). The classes will be a continuation from class to class, so if you miss a session don't panic, but you will need to catch up using the blog. We will all be working towards an end film project, for our NHS and Key Workers. Fingers crossed and all being well we can create something amazing for us to be proud of for our half term.
If you have any problems with getting on to zoom, our wish to chat to me about anything I am always here on 07734853336.
I am very much looking forward to seeing those smiles and getting everyone back dancing and fit for the summer!
Much love everyone, Stay Safe
Jennie & Miss Anderson xxxx
