We are going live this week from Tucker Towers 4pm everyday.......
Tuesday - Senior/Adult Class
Wednesday - Little Ones 3-6yrs
Thursday - Juniors 7-10yrs
Friday - Intermediates 11 - 13yrs
We will be using Zoom to share our sessions!
I will be online from 3.30pm to see everyone and class will start at 4pm.
Please download Zoom and join our school on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/JanisAndersonDance/ and I will post the invite link that morning! If you can't access Facebook please email me jennie@janisanderson.co.uk and I will send you the invite link!
Monday - Word of the Week with Tilly
Tuesday - Story-time
Wednesday - Dance History
Thursday - Musical Theatre Romeo and Juliet task from your lovely teacher SPIDER STEVE XXX
Friday - Last parts of the Modern dances - JADance Hall of Fame - please send me pics or videos of you dancing and you can be in our Friday movie!!!
Please keep using the blogs to practice and keep strengthening and stretching so when we get back to class you will be ready!
Can't wait to see everyone lovely faces in pour live sessions have a safe and healthy week my amazing JADancers xxx
BIG Loves
Jennie xxxx
